The Code explores the landscape of a sound world generated from a simple and custom algorithm. The music is the sum of hundreds of elemental sine waves — the simplest sound possible that only a machine can produce. Intentionally escapist, it evokes the exoticism of deep space and its unknown worlds, with the music travelling through ‘spaces’ of differing note densities and durations.
The music is tuned to the harmonic series, dating back to Ancient Greece and the philosopher Pythagoras. This tuning allows for the coexistence of hundreds or even thousands of tones — blurring the distinctions between notes, chords, and timbres.
The algorithm used to create the music is also used to generate the album’s artwork, providing insight into the form and structure of the music.
The Code celebrates human agency and dignity, treating the personal computer as a tool for artistic freedom and liberty, in contrast to a world increasingly shaped by distant supercomputers. It seeks to embody a fundamental human yearning — to search for the garden in the machine.
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Generative algorithm and custon code created in Supercolider.
Discovering Quasar
A quasar, trillions of times brighter than the sun, emits radiation from an accretion disc light years in diameter.
Moons Rising
Moons rising in the long night of a distant world.
Passing Star
A passing star whose awesome power exerts transformative forces on its neighbours.
Ancient Light
Light as memory, billions of years old, revealing the secrets of deep space and time.
Unknown Nebula
An iridescent cloud of interstellar dust grains thrown out from a dying star, floating in the darkness of outer space.
The algorithm used to create the music is also used to generate the album’s artwork, providing insight into the form and structure of the music.